Delusions of Grandeur

I must admit that when I started writing Authware, the aim was to have somewhere I could put up all my writing on the web and have people read it. Of late, I suppose I’ve been getting rather swollen-headed, trying to write something for everyone interested in writing, trying to figure out what people might need.

I think during this current rewrite, I’ll just write what Azuka needs and forget about everyone else. If ‘they’ need something with similar functionality, I’ll provide the code and let them extend it themselves.

Windows Vista RC1

Windows Vista

I updated my Windows Vista Beta 2 installation to the RC1 roday [from which I’m posting] and this time the screen capture works. IF there’s anything Microsoft lacks, it isn’t designers — that’s something the Linux guys need very very badly.

The thumbnail above links to the full screenshot of my desktop. I did have a problem with Windows automatically removing my GRUB bootloader — so no booting to Fedora until I do a clean install, or alternately learn how to install bootloaders.

Everything seems to work fine this time — from Office 2007 beta to Firefox, everything ran faster than before. Well, what else can I say?

Changing Compilers

I updated my archaic DevC++ installation today — and holy of holies, I couldn’t compile something I was working on. I decided to try out a “Hello World” program, but I still couldn’t compile. I was beginning to think the problem was from several installations I made recently so I uninstalled them — the errors thrown only changed.

I shutdown XP and booted to Vista, installing the DevC++ compiler again, and facing the same errors. Some simple research on the net told me I wasn’t the only one having DevC+ woes. Thanks to Google, I discovered Codeblocks but the MingW/GCC compiler still threw a lot of nonsense errors. I’m currently using the Digital Mars compiler and it works well.

I know I could use it with DevC++, but talk of falling in love with an IDE — Codeblocks rules for now.

To Scorn a Lady

I was recently contacted by a lady I once worked with during the summer semesters this year. I know I’m not a good coder, so she must have been pretty hard up for one to work on Joomla.

We didn’t part on the best of terms, so I was a bit surprised when I saw an e-mail from her in an ‘old friend’ tone, literally talking to me like we’ve been friends forever. I never use the term, but this time I have to say I was sorely pissed.

I know I was wrong in the way I handled several things with her, but she also went back on her word, and money matters are a touchy subject with me — especially when we agreed on $15 an hour and she told me it was $12 when pay time came round. I got a rather poor review on Scriptlance which doesn’t bother me much — what still rankles is that we worked outside Scriptlance and she then posted a rating for projects that had nothing to do with it.

Well, in retrospect, I’ve learned to move on. The ratings have never affected me — for some reason I’ve won nearly every project I’ve bid on since then. As usual I deliver very speedily, usually within half my bid time — for example everyone else bids 4-7 days on a WordPress theme. I bid a day, promise delivery in 12 hours, and deliver in 6.

I must admit I made much of my placement exams — I didn’t have to read for them eventually –, and left her hanging in the middle of three projects.

I was told this was the essence of American backbiting — negative comments behind me and all sweet words when communicating. For [fill this in]’s sake, if you’ve got something negative to say about me, at least tell me to my face — I actually love hearing those because I get to think and improve — but when you say A to me and go behind my back and say B, I usually write you off as an insincere person.

When we had our confrontation yesterday, it was basically a meeting of two people who’ve wronged each other, but refuse to apologize — that much I must admit. I’d really have loved to work with her again, setting my time and all that, but call me a male chauvinist, saying ‘No’ was a pleasure.

I’ve heard hell hath no fury like a lady scorned — I’m yet to see that.


I was just going over something today ans came across SQLite. Nope — it’s not that I just discovered it — I mean, I initially planned to start using it way back since last year, but I obviously needed a book to remind me that it existed.

I’m working on a lightweight database abstraction layer [now you’d ask me ‘what for?’] for Authware, and I think I’m going to use SQLite for my local installation — at least just to get a feel of things. Currently, I’m working with PostgreSQL and MySQL without any incidents. PHP5 rocks — I can’t imagine how much code I had to write when PHP 4 was still the ‘in thing.’

Anyway, things are looking good. I see a dangerous, sharp curve ahead but I’ll deal with that when I get to it.

Back to SQLite. I haven’t tested its performance yet, but I’m still wondering if the single-file databases won’t be a problem — we writers sure can come up with a lot of junk when we choose to. Face it, I hate writing functions in MySQL — but I’m already in love with sqlite_create_function() and sqlite_create_aggregate()… even without having ever used them :D.


Looking back over this year, I realize how much I’ve changed. All my shirts I came with over here are screaming to be let go. I was slightly over 5ft 11 when I came — I’m now approaching 6ft 1 and my trousers are ‘scared of the ground.’ I’ll be needing new jeans.

The changes are not only physical — I’ve come to appreciate myself for what I am, instead of trying to conform to the norm. Goodbye to trying to talk. I’ll remain quiet old Azuka.

Today’s my little brother Uche’s birthday — the funny thing is I don’t have any picture of him [I’ll need to request one from back home]. I think he’s 13 now and trying to get into SS1. When do these small boys of yesterday grow up?

Haven’t heard from my big brother [everyone including my mom calls him ‘Chief’ :D] for quite a while. I’ll need to rush off an e-mail.

I had a presentation last week and I made sure to use notes, despite what my cocky self told me not to. My voice [I talk very quietly] as usual, let me down and I was slightly nervous but I still managed to get good reviews — apparently, my classmates were impressed. Dr Bonifer even talked to me after the class, because she was excited when I talked about my reading exploits.

I’m still trying to learn how to handle money. I’ve got some money sitting in my RentACoder account, and some in Paypal [still waiting for my Paypal debit card]. I made a bid this morning — haven’t gotten it yet, but I’m already spending the money in my head [poor me].

Library work is still boring, but I’ll survive.