Debian and Slackware

I’m a very very ‘new bie’ on the Linux block. Due to my annoying hardware and unique architecture (thanks to eMachines), I have found it extremely hard to run Linux on my machine — especially the network and display.

I’ve done a lot of research on the internet and the way to go seems to be either of Debian and Slackware. I’m currently downloading the Debian DVDs from the University of Illinois HTTP Mirror, and I have all the ISOs of Slackware n my PC, awaiting burning.

I’m particularly interested in developing for Linux — seeing ‘guru posts’ like Xcomputerman‘s on Enlightenment sure gets me excited. My problem has always been my hardware. I’m thinking of building myself a system from scratch — that way I don’t face the myriad problems I’m currently facing with a rare nVIDIA board and an even rarer eMachines model (w3107) that isn’t even featured on the product list. It’s quite funny that many of the incoming hits to my blog are by people looking for W3107 drivers on Google — that should show you what’s going on. I’m beginning to go off at a tangent :lol:.

Hopefully, I should get a few jobs on RentACoder (haven’t gotten any yet) and finance a new system with the proceeds. Heck, I’ve not been doing any .NET Client/Server network programming because I have no client. Again, I’m beginning to deviate :lol:.

I’m hoping for extreme luck as I join the Linux crew because my command vocabulary is limited to stuff like su, ls, mkdir, mount, rpm (during my Fedora — or is it Stetson — woes) and… I’m beginning to think I know a lot :lol:.

Another boring post from me — ha! :roll:.

Summer I

I’ve been doing nothing lately except loaf around on Nairaland and sleep. Yesterday was the Fourth of July but I only got to see fireworks going off at the armory sometime around 10pm last night. I’ve got very slow reflexes so I wasn’t able to take any useful pictures — luckily, I’m using a digicam, not film.

I’ve been frantically looking up my grades on my Mountain State student account because something told me I’d get a B in English 101. I never got on fine with Professor Irfan and I didn’t turn in any rough drafts or accept the points I got gratis from the MSU Writing Club. With my heart beating today, I logged on and checked my grades.

Yipee — I made an A! I hope I maintain my All-A status till I graduate.

Summer II’s starting today and I have the same Professor Irfan. Gosh, I hate her tangential, know-it-all talking. I think she knows I disapprove.


‘Great hitting today, man!’ Jim slapped me gently on the back. ‘You’re a long ways better’n when you first came — ask anybody.’ He drew out the ‘anybody’ – aaaanybody.

I shook my head sadly.

‘Why’re you looking discouraged my man? You hit pretty good!’ he exclaimed, punching my shoulder.

I smiled, as we pushed the ping pong table towards the storage area.

‘How come you don’t talk?’ he asked. ‘You ever curse?’

I shook my ahead — the day Azuka curses aloud, that will be the day.

‘Come on, talk, curse — let me hear you,’ he insisted.

I laughed. It sems everywhere I go, people want to get me to talk, which is quite funny. I’m too quiet, everyone says, but what do I think?

I prefer to listen to people while they talk — when I do decide to talk, I go off like lightning, leaving my audience far behind. I think it’s best I stay mute.

I think people get uncomfortable around me because they find themselves doing all the talking — I need to build my communication skills, and probably go out more.

Junk Food

I do not find it surprising that most addicted programmers including me are connoisseurs of junk food. In front of my scren, there’s got be to be a ‘snack’ somewhere — forget how appreciative I am of well-cooked food.

I’m supposed to be on a diet [now don’t laugh :mad:] but for some reason, today my stomach was about to collapse inwards. I got a donut and chased it down with Sprite — and I’m still rumbling inside.

Spend 18 hours in front of your screen and you’ll begin to appreciate the goodness of junk food — junk food rocks.

The Awakening

I’m sitting here in front of my computer, typing this and there’s a joy in me I cannot express. Somehow, today at 12:22AM I crawled out of bed and tapped a key to dispel my Rush Hour 2 screensaver.

I shielded my eyes from the screen as I adjusted to the light. Everything looked new, and I realized the change was in me.

I did something I haven’t done for a while — turned on Christian music and relaxed. It was so soothing, my taut muscles relaxed and I sang along to the voices of Don Moen, Bob Fitts and Ron Kenoly. I’d have loved to record myself and post here but I have a croaky, ‘froggy’ voice.

There comes a time in my life when I stop, look back and realize how stupid I’ve been — making idle boasts, chasing money furiously and looking down on people. The desire for money has consumed me to the extent that I no longer talk to my family — it’s been long since my mom heard from me –, rush blindly at every job I think I ought to get, without wanting to take on the high-profile ones that require the most effort, and do some unmentionables.

I’m alive, my spirit ha awakened within me and I see new horizons. I’m going to get myself organized and not act brusquely with people counting on me.

Yes, there’s an awakening of Azuka.


Vigilante forces are always in the Nigerian news — especially concerning kidnapping or threatening oil workers and companies. I thought it safe to assume I’d be able to get material on the way they behave.

So far, my post on Nairaland has gotten very few replies and the only portrayals the media has of these people is that they’re barbaric.

So little is known about them, that I don’t find it surprising they strike and don’t get apprehended. If my googling doesn’t get me anything concrete, I’m afraid I’ll have to cook up something however untrue it may be.

Apologies to the vigilantes.