Posts filed under “Journal”

To Scorn a Lady

I was recently contacted by a lady I once worked with during the summer semesters this year. I know I’m not a good coder, so she must have been pretty hard up for one to work on Joomla. We didn’t part on the best of terms, so I was a bit surprised when I saw […]


I'm updating my life and moving on to some other things. I've been very lax with everything for a while. Presently, it seems I'm receiving freelance projects with a bit of regularity. I finally broke the RentACoder jinx last week and earned about $34 on a WordPress theme customization. Work on Authware still continues, but […]


Transferring to a different school has been an idea rolling in my mind right from time. A friend I’ll call Rock told me MSU’s not for me. Another guy [let’s call him Kofi] had a discussion with me today. When I told him I was contemplating transferring, he said,’That’s the wisests thing I’ve heard you […]

Lectures, Lectures

Susan Bonifer, PhD is everything I’ve been told about her and more. I walked into her class yesterday and she was simply excellent. I’m looking forward to a fun but demanding semester. It’s Communications 204 and we’re going to be doing a lot of public speaking in front of the entire class. We got paired […]

Fall Begins

I must have been pretty dumb thinking all this laziness in the name of ‘enjoyment’ was going to last forever. I’ve got classes starting tomorrow. My suite-mates are real friendly, and like me my roommate doesn’t talk. He seems a nice guy when we do anyway. When I saw the name Lee assigned to my […]

Presentation and Open Source

I have wronged the Open Source movement by misrepresenting them in front of my coursemates. I’d decided to make my presentation without notes. Public speaking has always been my greatest phobia, so I waited while half the class walked up to the front and read out their presentations. I was beginning to sweat just sitting […]