Posts filed under “Journal”


I must be the most impatient creature on the surface of this earth — especially when it comes to learning. Everytime I learn something, I’m tempted to move directly to what interests me — not the preliminaries. C++ is the classic example. I’ve gone back to it and I’m trying not to give in to […]


What did I achieve last month? I was able to speed up my game in ping pong and switched to the pen grip last Wednesday. Seems I’m really good at it. Made a difference in my workplace by being Employee of The Month. I was more shocked than happy — I didn’t really believe it […]

Current State

I think I’m beginning to look at myself as a wonder — which is very bad for me. I don’t need all that over-confidence which I’ve sort of acquired over my stay here at MSU. I mean — look at me assuming I am that good and I got a D in my Astronomy test […]

Knoppix, Linux, etc

I’m an open-source fan but I’ve had very awful experiences with Linux. Recently, my friend Kashif told me about Knoppix — or should I say convinced me to use it. I’ve always been scared of all those funny-sounding names – Knoppix, Morphix, etc — so I always stuck to Fedora Core and Xandros – both […]

The Bum

I had just crossed the street and was heading towards Hogan Hall. I had my take-out dinner in one hand, a 33oz can of lemonade in the other. Someone called out behind me. I turned around to look – I’d never seen him before. I’m short-sighted but I hate wearing glasses so I took a […]


There comes a time in my life when I have to sit down and think — really think — about my life. I suddenly come to realise that things aren’t going the way they’re supposed to. Wait a minute — I know it’s always my fault. This time I look at myself and what I […]