Posts filed under “General”
Negro Mentality
I saw a link to a topic on the AOL black community forum [ Aggressive African A$$holes!!!]. It was a bit shocking to read the replies to the posts. Something tells me that Black Americans have become some of the most racist people in the United States, thanks to the views they have of Africans […]
Is PHP Dead?
I’ve had some people try to pull me onto the RoR train in the past, saying it’s the hottest thing around. Others have pointed Flex as the way forward. I’m just not so sure about things anymore. Trust me, I’ve worked with the .NET framework both in and out of the web context and the […]
I’m supposed to be redesigning the new Still-Learning site and moving it over to Joomla with a custom theme. I made the sketch ages ago but just started designing today. It was hell… Firefox and Opera behaved wonderfully, but IE simply refused to budge, adding an ‘extra’ background to the div immediately below a closed […]
Debian and Slackware
I’m a very very ‘new bie’ on the Linux block. Due to my annoying hardware and unique architecture (thanks to eMachines), I have found it extremely hard to run Linux on my machine — especially the network and display. I’ve done a lot of research on the internet and the way to go seems to […]
Junk Food
I do not find it surprising that most addicted programmers including me are connoisseurs of junk food. In front of my scren, there’s got be to be a ‘snack’ somewhere — forget how appreciative I am of well-cooked food. I’m supposed to be on a diet [now don’t laugh :mad:] but for some reason, today […]
Logs, AuthWare
I’m feeling very lazy these days — I haven’t touched AuthWare in quite a while because I’ve been trying to do my research on writing a plugin system. The consensus seems to be that it’s highly complex, so for now I’ll forget about plugins. 1 & 1 is driving me crazy. I don’t like the […]