
An Analyst/Programmer dies and is met by Saint Peter at the pearly gates. Saint Peter asks him if he wants to go to Heaven or Hell.

‘You mean I get to choose?’ the man asks. ‘Oh yes, you can have a look at each and then decide for yourself.’ Saint Peter replies. Saint Peter points into the window of Heaven where people are relaxing, reading books and chatting. All seems very pleasant.

Then Saint Peter points into the window of Hell where there is a distinct party atmosphere, music and laughter can be heard and people are definitely having fun. ‘I think I’ll opt for Hell’ says the Analyst/Programmer, ‘It looks much better to me!’

So, Saint Peter lifts the ’phone and asks the Devil to come and escort the man to Hell.

On their arrival, the door opens to reveal a hot smelly room full of people shovelling rubbish. The Devil hands him a shovel.

‘What’s going on – what about the place Saint Peter showed me?’ asks the man, in a panic.

‘Ah,’ smiles the Devil, ‘that was the demo’.


I’ve always been this way — people around me hardly ever know how I feel, because I hardly ever talk. Sometimes I get annoyed at myself because people’s perception is tha I’m dumb — something I immediately think about correcting, until I remember that my life’s philosophy is never to let what other people think about me dissuade me.

I’m a separate entity from everyone — therfore I am unique!

I still struggle with my emotions especially when it pertains to girls. One of my greatest phobias is rejection. The girl I’m interested in doesn’t seem to know — and there’s nothing I’m going to do about it.

Speaking of my behavior, more than once I’ve been asked more than once questions like “You don’t smile much — do you?”, “Why are you always quiet?”

I was asked the latter by a colleague at the library party today — she’s the second person to ask me that.

“Me?” I asked.

“Yes, yyyyyooouuuuuuuuu,” she drew out the word, puckering her lips outrageously.Of course, she was teasing me, trying to get me to talk.

I simply shrugged. Everytime I try to supress my emotions about ladies in general, some new temptation comes up. Help me God! 🙁

Nuclear war in Iran

Nuclear war? I don’t know what USA stands to gain by bullying nations around the world it perceives as future threats. I’ve been an amused observer of George Bush and his antics but I think this is taking it a bit too far.

What would USA gain by raining nuclear weapons down on innocent citizens of a country just because of it’s leaders? The war in Iraq isn’t over yet and they haven’t found any WMDs or whatever it is they’re looking for. Is this a chance to redeem themselves in the eyes of the public?

If you don’t understand my ramblings please read Chris Floyd’s article.


I must be the most impatient creature on the surface of this earth — especially when it comes to learning. Everytime I learn something, I’m tempted to move directly to what interests me — not the preliminaries.

C++ is the classic example. I’ve gone back to it and I’m trying not to give in to the pressure making me to skip certain chapters. I’m playing with vectors and class operators presently and I daresay it’s super.

In ten days — I have some other things doing — I should be moving to Win32 or OpenGL programming — whichever catches my fancy. I hope I don’t let my impatience ruin/rule me this time.

Brain Twister

While chatting with a friend today, I remembered a “brain twister” a friend and I developed in school. Try saying rapidly:

“There are black rats not black mice. There are white mice not white rats.”

I don’t know if the statements are true but you definitely will get confused. It doesn’t qualify as a tongue twister because you get confused on entire words — the same way it doesn’t qualify as a brain teaser.

Microwave Wonders

It’s funny what magic I can perform with my trusty microwave. Here I have spaghetti and some stew. Doesn’t taste half as good as my mom’s back home however.