Posts filed under “Journal”


I retrieved my debit card from the ATM and stuffed the $20 bill into my wallet. Just as I crossed to the other side, a big bug drifted towards my face and I stepped back quickly. It was getting dark so I couldn’t make out its features to decide if it was harmless. I squinted […]


I’ve been doing some Scriptlance work for a while now and I must say I haven’t been so lucky at getting projects, but I guess the perseverance paid off. I’m currently working on two different projects, but the bad news is that they’re both on hold for now. I won a bid to move someone’s […]

Shame on you, Jackie

I was going through some Wikipedia articles today, and had to do some minor editing on the Jackie Chan article. Just after I finished making the corrections, I popped into Jackie’s discussion page and at the very bottom, someone had yanked off an entry about Jackie being drunk on stage. He jumped on stage, wanted […]


I’ve been quite numb for the past few days, and I’m sure everyone around me has noticed. I think I haven’t been getting much sleep because of the projects I’m working on. I’ve been quite disillusioned with the goings-on around me for a while. I’ve been stuck on two of the ugliest designs I ever […]


This week has been very uneventful, except maybe for the new cooking I tried. I bought a carton of white eggs at the corner shop, and silly as I was tried noiling them in the microwave. Only one made it out fully formed — the rest exploded, spattering the insides of my microwave with soggy […]


I installed the CookieSafe extension for Firefox about a month ago and my browsing experience has never been the same — it’s about the best thing since guguru and epa [I mean it]. I spend an awful amount of time deleting cookies from other people’s paid ads[names like, and are some of […]