Posts filed under “General”

A Tribute to Aung San Suu Kyi

It’s so pathetic — Suu Kyi‘s house arrest has been extended indefinitely. It’s very sad that in a world where everyone loves peace, the Burmese government has been so insensitive. Of course this is one of many governments around the world that exhibit such bestial behavior, and I wonder when all this will come to […]

XSLT Transformations

This is something I’ve never tried before. Something told me to make my RSS 2.0 feed readable. Since I’ve never formatted XML with anystylesheet before, I decided to try my hand at using CSS for my formatting. It was rather dull 😉 so I jumped to the dreaded XSL method — something I ran away […]

Yahoo and Ajax

Google popularized Ajax with GMail. Yahoo’s taken it over the top with their new homepage. It’s just as well that Yahoo moved over to Ajax because I know Microsoft was planning something along that line with Live. If Ajax doesn’t turn out to be another fad, then bby 2008, most sites will be more like […]

Not Enough Time

It seems I want to learn everything there is to know in this world — maybe it’s because I get my feeling of prestige from knowing a lot. I’ve always known I can’t know it all — yet, I keep trying. I’ve always eyed hardware programming right from when I started out. Hardware has always […]


IIS is a great server — writen especially for Windows, it functions exactly the way it’s meant to, ignoring the security breaches and high response time from the folks at Microsoft. One thing that gets me annoyed about using PHP and IIs is the lack of support for url-rewriting. Except you’ve installed some third-party tool […]

AJAX Conquered

I knew I was going to find a way out of the IE mess. A little skeptical about what I’d be able to find, I Googled reusing xmlhttprequest objects in ie and hit the jackpot on the first try. Here’s the solution, which I got from Pavan Keely’s blog. Currently, my custom AJAX class works […]