Current State

I think I’m beginning to look at myself as a wonder — which is very bad for me. I don’t need all that over-confidence which I’ve sort of acquired over my stay here at MSU.

I mean — look at me assuming I am that good and I got a D in my Astronomy test :(. I have to rally and really, really do some serious reading. First I’ll need to set up a study guide — or a reading time table [whatever].

Maybe I’m lonely — but I’ll stop spending too much time on Nairaland. I have to make the code of AuthWare really, really ready for the PhpAndMore guy.

I’m going to start doing some hardcore reading. My dad said Spinoza, Bacon and all those authors would be good for me. I’m returning all these novels to the library today.

Speaking of my ping pong, I’ve gotten my pen grip back — and I showed the guys at the YMCA a thing or too. When next I get back I’m really going to exercise it — and trash some guys I hope.

The Gimp

I’ve been experimenting with The Gimp after hearing it allows creation of icons. It’s a very nice tool and now, I have favicons my site. I intend to explore it fully and see what I can d with it because it’s quite complex [but good].


For some reason I’ve always had problems getting Linux to run on my machine — especially the boot-loader part. Lilo and Grub are just not my territory — I want to use the Windows boot-loader.

All the tutorials I’ve seen on the net talk about installing Windows after Linux — but I already have Windows running. I’ll be durned if I  have to format my system, then install Windows all over.

I got my Ubuntu cds last week and I gave out three — to Stan, Brett and Khashif — they seemed happy.

 I couldn’t boot to the LiveCD however and I’m kind of mad 😡 — I mean, do I have to configure X-Windows each time I need to boot? No sir — I’d rather stick to Knoppix. To prove that I’m still crazy or something, I borrowed a complete Linux Book (Mastering Linux, Sybex Press) and am currently going through it.

Maybe when next I reboot (I haven’t shut down for three days and Windows is beginning to get sluggish), I’ll try to summon the necessary courage required to make another Ubuntu LiveCD run.

Wish me luck :-).

AuthWare CMS

I had a minor problem getting AuthWare to function properly on Linux — as expected. I had to make some adjustments because PHP 5 on Linux returns $_SERVER[‘ORIG_PATH_INFO’] for Windows [‘PATH_INFO’]. Aside from that, everything functioned well :).

I’m still tweaking the search results — I’m looking for a way to perform syntax highlighting (like Google does) on my search results and filtering out the bulk of content. Not easy :x.

Links: current version of AuthWare on the web

PHPFreaks Guru!

Hurray! I attained PHPFreaks Guru status today and I’m sort of happy :D. Maybe I should celebrate by attempting to finish up the code for AuthWare CMS tonight — I doubt I can but I have to say the code is coming along nicely — although I do have some problems with full-text searching in MySQL and sorting of multi-dimensional arrays for my search results.

With some luck, I should start rewriting the admin module today — don’t know how long that will take but it’s already near-perfect. Let’s just hope I don’t run into any snags today ;).