Archive for December, 2006

Of Blogs and Blogging II

Yesterday I laid some background work on what a blog is. Today, I’ll go into more in-depth analysis, using pictures where necessary. Some of the common features which most blogs have include permalinks, two-way communication and syndication. As the content of a blog’s home page is pretty dynamic, visitors to a blog need access to […]

Of Blogs and Blogging I

I gave a speech sometime last week discussing blogs and spent a good nineteen minutes trying to convince my classmates to pick up blogging. Well, I hate talking, but I managed to spend 9 more minutes than the allotted time. I’ll spend the next few posts discussing blogs and hopefully educating us on the blogosphere […]


I tried installing Slackware today. I was too lazy to look up the parameters for fdisk and cfdisk, so I got out my Fedora DVD and wiped my second hard disk clean (there’s a Fedora install on it but my Windows Vista RC1 installation erased GRUB and installed its own tacky boot loader). Dumb me! […]