Archive for May, 2006
What’s going On?
This is getting scary. The United States is patrolling Nigerian waters because they want to ‘secure the area from the hands of terrorists and other maritime criminals.’ For God’s sake we don’t have any terrorist attacks in Nigeria! We do have some of the best oil however — Nigerian oil is sulfur-free. So far, no […]
Nairaland Woes
For some time now, I’ve been a bemused spectator of the Nairaland forum and while I believe it is one of the best Nigerian forums on the internet, I feel it has some short-comings. It’s so pathetic that people get banned for voicing their opinions on the board. I feel the administrator seems to take […]
A Tribute to Aung San Suu Kyi
It’s so pathetic — Suu Kyi‘s house arrest has been extended indefinitely. It’s very sad that in a world where everyone loves peace, the Burmese government has been so insensitive. Of course this is one of many governments around the world that exhibit such bestial behavior, and I wonder when all this will come to […]
XSLT Transformations
This is something I’ve never tried before. Something told me to make my RSS 2.0 feed readable. Since I’ve never formatted XML with anystylesheet before, I decided to try my hand at using CSS for my formatting. It was rather dull 😉 so I jumped to the dreaded XSL method — something I ran away […]
This is so crazy — a Nigerian lady and her pretty daughter. I watched the video and I cackled like an old witch — 😆 :lol:.
The Farce
I started a book last year — or deceived myself that I was starting one. It’s called The Farce and the plot’s a Niger Delta conspiracy in Nigeria. I’m taking two unusual stances in it — writing in the first person as a young liberal muslim lady in Nigeria. I’m not female — and neither […]