
I just walked today out of Astronomy class wondering what I’m going to do about the observations we’re supposed to do. I’ve got poor eyesight — I have short-sight and astigmatism — but I hate wearing my glasses — besides they’re missing. So how the heck am I going to stare at the sky with my naked eye and try to pinpoint stars?

I’ll probably pick a chart and “cram” the way the skies look. Maybe I’ll do some hard research too and get in-dept photos of the night sky. I know that’s not the purpose but if you don’t tell Prof Miller he probably won’t know. So keep mum.

Installation Issues

I’m sick of trying to install Windows XP Professional on my machine. My woes started with my buying an emachines desktop PC. The model name is W3107.

I got a 100GB hard disk with the system but it was running Windows XP Home – which means I can’t run either IIS or Apache – even MySQL, SQL Server and PostgreSQL. I read somewhere about a hack for getting Windows XP Home to run IIS. I didn’t want to tamper with my installation so I managed to partition my hard disk using
Partition Magic. I installed Windows XP Professional on the new NTFS partition and suddenly discovered I didn’t have the right drivers.

I spent a lot of time on the emachines website and I was really, really annoyed. For one, every other W-Series Desktop was listed except W3107 so I wasn’t able to find out what drivers I’d be needing. I really, really need it to be on the network because I have some test people that will be checking out my work. I managed to find out that I needed nVIDIA GeForce display drivers, RealTek AC’97 audio Drivers, 8-in-1 Media Reader Software and a driver for a SmartCP Data Fax Modem.

Apart from that I haven’t been able to get the network hardware to work. I’ve installed every single network adapter or modem driver I can lay my hands on but it just won’t work. If I can’t get drivers for Windows what do I do when I finally put Fedora Core 5 on my system next week?

I don’t really know but for now I think I’ll just get a new USB-compatible modem. The most annoying thing is that the forms on the eMachines website don’t work. I can’t send a support request – and each time I try to chat online with support I have to fill in every single detail about myself. Damn eMachines and GateWay.

AuthWare Friendly Urls & Bug List

Language – PHP

Friendly Urls

Why did I suddenly decide to create friendly Urls for AuthWare. I must tell the truth – I never really intended to. There was a stage at which I wanted to restructure it to utilise Apaches mod_rewrite.

I’ve always had this thing for not comprehending regular expressions. In fact I hardly ever use them except for my html to xhtml converter (I think the function is called html_2_xhtml()).

The only stuff this function hasn’t been able to do is exclude specific tags. I’m a very stubborn coder – which means I don’t look at others’ work until I’m convinced I’m stumped – or until I come up with mine.

Speaking of mod_rewrite, I realised it would never work out – I have both IIS and Apache on my machine and I’ve configured both to run PHP. There are some users that use Windows out there and there was no way I could see them being excluded from using my system – because IIS obviously doesn’t support rewriting except you use some third-party tool. I then remembered trying to browse some web pages and adding slashes at the end – just some idleness on my part. Was there a way to get it out? Yes, I discovered – by using $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']. I converted the ampersands (&) to slashes as well as the “?“. I created an array $temp_array by splitting – using explode().

I then created a new blank array – let’s call it $_get. For every even index x in $temp_array, I looped through $temp_array, adding an array member to $_get with key $temp_array[x] and value $temp_array[x+1]. Then I array_merge()d $_get and $_GET.

Bug List

After using that method, I discovered that my sessions were being set wrongly whenever I turned friendly urls on. The PHPSESSID was being set wrongly. No secure information is stored in the sessions – just the current page so that AuthWare remembers the last page you were viewing when you log out. For example, for index.php/mode/cat/action/viewsub/id/1, the cookie path is index.php/mode/cat/action/viewsub/id/1 which isn’t what I had in mind. I guess I have two options

  • Save everything in a MySQL database but that just increases traffic or
  • Find some way of extracting the real path of the script and then setting a cookie each time.

Linux Issues

Linux servers have a different way of interpreting $_SERVER[‘PATH_INFO’] as I found out after uploading and running phpinfo() when my friendly urls wouldn’t work. I had to insert a check and strip $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] from $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]. It’s currently running as expected.

Poor Microsoft

I just came accross this today:

Once upon a time there was a young man who wanted to become a great writer.

“I want to write things the whole world will read,” he declared. “Stuff that will elicit strong emotions from people in every walk of life. I want my writing to make them scream, cry, howl in pain and anger.”

He now lives happily ever after in Redmond, Washington, writing error messages for Microsoft.

I think this is the guy behind “The Blue Screen of Death”.


I’m currently having a mild attack of writer’s block so I’ve figured out a way to use my test version of AuthWare – lecture notes. That’s right.

I’m now putting all my lecture notes for the courses I’m taking this term on the web. I hope to keep them up-to-date – I really do. because I’m currently working on pdf, rtf and
.doc format generation . Means I’ll need to come up with about four classes.

Hello World

For want of a better start I’ll just talk about information related to the overhaul of my site. You might have noticed if you’ve been here before that I’ve completely changed the look to that of the AuthWare default theme.


If you’re using a free web host and you want to defeat their banners, then I suggest you take a lesson from me. Of course my work doesn’t conform to XHTML standards
because of the ads’ html.


I finally published the first version on the web. I spent most of yesterday uploading and fixing some problems that are native to Windows – especially for the friendly urls. Tweaked the design a little too and I now have something to be proud of — my second solo full-scale PHP project.


My blog’s been restructured. I designed a new theme yesterday that conforms to the rest of my site using the latest WordPress version. Let’s pray it works as expected.