Name Change

I must admit that I got a rude shocker last week when I discovered there already exists a Content Management System called Simplicity. To make matters worse, it’s been around for something close to three years so there’s no question of who’ll win if there’s ever a trademark dispute.

I suppose I’ll have to do a lot of severe research from now on – at least to ensure that the next name I choose hasn’t been taken as well. SimpleCMS sounds nice or I’ll look for a name that sounds as obscure as Xaraya. AuthWare might have to switch names too as it sounds almost like Macromedia Authorware.

Last Night

Last night was pretty hectic. I played table tennis until my back ached – and I suppose I burned my dinner there. The guys were pretty good players except one guy. I could probably beat him but he has a very irritating personality. I mean, there’re guys that if they beat me without me gaining a point, I’ll be happy because I enjoyed the game.

This guy was all out to win – or to humiliate whoever he played with. I have a couple of fast serves that are hard to pick but I didn’t use them. This guy, however would serve and thwack the ball with all his strength screaming, “YES!” as he did so. As a result his game had no rhythm – something I can’t play without. Well, that’s that.

Resolution of LAN Problems

I bypassed the eMachines staff and went straight to Gateway (their parent company). Their support staff was very friendly – they sent me the four-disk restore pack that contains the nVidia drivers and everything else that came with the system. I feel I haven’t thanked them properly. I’m so happy!

Funnily, I’ve wasted about thirty dollars on a USB-to-Ethernet converter which I had to use for only two days.

So far

Simplicity’s coming along well. Maybe I’m lazy but after writing all that Ajax code I felt I deserved a rest. I’m still doing some brain-storming on the form handling – for now I think Simplicity will be an in-house thing.

Thomas Breton of H-Inventory( wants me to build a template for them, and to maybe bring in a knowledge of Ajax. I’m very happy that I’ve been considered worthy of joining a full-scale developer team.  I’ve been cracking my brain for some time now and I haven’t been able to come up with something feasible. I don’t want to use one of those cheap templates that always float around in my head. The thing is, it doesn’t have to be too flashy – just like my site or which I like for it’s pure Simplicity.

I’ve moved from because my site got hacked and I decided to treat myself to some paid hosting (lucky me – my database wasn’t compromised). Which brings me to one question I’ve always wondered about – why do people hack into other people’s websites? This guy could easily have renamed or deleted my home page and put his – instead he wiped out all my files and directories. I really wish I could lay my hands on whoever it was.

I crossed the Forum Lurker rank on PHPFreaks last month and I’m now a forum regular. I hope to achieve guru status next month and to be more active in AjaxFreaks.

Ups and Downs

I finally decided I was sick of the Math 100 class. I signed up and took the test in calculus. I didn’t do too badly – in fact the only math I’ll do for the rest of my stay here in college will be restricted to one course – Calculus 2. I had to drop the Math 100 (no refund) and picked up a self-teaching course in Geography (Physical). I hope I do well.

I’ve also gotten a job with the library. I’ll be an IT staff, assisting with miscellaneous duties etc etc. I don’t know what the pay’s going to be but frankly, I don’t care. I really thank God for everything. My suite-mate and friend Stan put in a word for me in the library and I got interviewed and…

Speaking of romance, I don’t really get attracted to girls until I think about them – which is very rarely. I have this sense of foreboding – it’s always been a part of me. There’s this girl that tries to chat me up. I think she’s pretty but that’s about where it ends. She’s overtly friendly and I see her boyfriend giving me dark looks whenever she leaves him and comes to say hi. I’m not sure she’s interested in me but I’m sure about the reverse.

 This week I got  a haircut. I was shocked when I saw a lady barber (I mean, over there in Nigeria all barbers were men). She asked me how I wanted my hair done and I sad I wanted it low. She went right ahead and shaved off all my hair, leaving me with a gleaming pate – something I haven’t had since I was ten. I was getting mad but I managed to keep it under control but I nearly screamed at her when she asked me if I wanted “something shiny” on it. I could have toppled her but I just said “no” calmly. So here I am, stuck with this absurd hairstyle. It sucks!

 I’ve made two new programmer friends. They’re both Asians. One’s a Pakistani – he’s called Khashif – and the other’s Nepalese – I haven’t really gotten the spelling of his name but it’s something like Keshu. The first guy has lots of books and is very experienced. As for the second, he wnats to learn web design from me. He knows C++ however and maybe I’ll be able to overcome my fear of C++ through him.

eMachines Again

After getting sick of the entire affair, I decided to rid myself of my computer. My roommate drove me to Walmart and we tried to exchange it. They said electronics could only be returned after fifteen days. Was I mad! I took the system back but I’m planning my own private stuff now.

For starters I ordered a USB-Ethernet converter from Amazon. I hope it gets here on time. I really need to get on the internet.