(This is the unedited text from a 10-minute writing session last Friday).
There were no walls as far as the eyes could see. Not only were there no walls, there was also an absence of anything that could have served as a wall — rocks, boulders, tall grass.
I had been here for three days, and was still only getting used to the way things worked. For the first time, I wondered if physical walls actually create the walls in our hearts, for even the people I met had no walls in theirs.
Nobody lied because you gained nothing by doing so. You hid nothing because there was nothing to hide in the first place.
At first, I welcomed it, but after some time, I thought back to how it was in the world I had come from. Some things are better hidden, and walls serve to protect us, as well as to protect others from us.
I had a mission now, sadistic as it might be — to create walls, both physically, as well as in the hearts of the people of this world.