
hello sweetie

That was the first message I sent when a friend of mine signed in after a long hiatus from Yahoo Messenger.

Understandably, she was shell-shocked.

This was the Azuka — who, a while ago wasn’t comfortable when others called him ‘honey’ or ‘love’ — using a word like ‘sweetie.’ It just came out, and I suppose I would have thought nothing of it if she hadn’t pointed it out.

Apparently, I’ve changed — and not just physically, as I thought, but in many more ways…

How have you changed?


  1. wow azuks, who said that people can’t change huh? But I too am amzed that you azuks can use such a work..hehe..

    how have you been? Can’t wait to have you regulary on Blogger, and thanks for visiting my first inatllment of Poetic mondays?

    you’ve been missed. Where are you?

  2. Azuka says:

    Life of a stranger
    I’m right here, lol.

  3. i have changed in a negative way
    I learnt how to fall in love

  4. Guess I have become more pragmatic over the years.. Being weaned on Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast def does not prepare you for the hardnosed reality called the real world…. And I’ve learned my lessons along the way…

  5. AlooFar says:

    I’ve grown cynical about love.


  6. Buki says:

    You are not changing, You are evolving and that is nature taking its course in you….so enjoy it.

  7. NoLimit says:

    Used to think love was film trick…but I honestly believe in love now…just could not stand and terms of endearment just like you…but now…at least I can stomach it!!!ha ha!!! and just like Buki said…I have evolved from being a major tom boy…to my way to being a lady…

  8. NoLimit says:

    oops that was…just could not stand ANY term(s) of endearment just like you

  9. Jaycee says:

    R u serious? YOU said that? Lol.

  10. Afropinay says:

    LOL.. Its a miracle.. you’re just growing up jare my dear. I remember when I used to be like that as well.

    Im sure u can say I have *changed* as well..

    LOL..Sent u an email.. need your feedback.. Thanks!

  11. Azuka says:

    Ms Definitely Maybe
    I don’t think that’s negative 😀

    Danny Bagucci

    So does it exist, or doesn’t it? 😉

    Thank you!

    Well, I still can’t use ‘baby’, ‘darling’ and ‘honey’, but I’m dreading that (horror of horrors), I’ll be saying those in the future.

    Yes, I did. Difficult to believe?

    Got your email. Long time no see.

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