My friend Samuel took me to Walmart last night. On a whim I decided to pick some sausage-and-pepperoni pizza — I think I’ve begun to like pizza.
I followed the instructions on the back of the box — put the pizza in an oven and bake for 18 minutes. Unfortunately, my ‘oven’ was my microwave :).
I went over to my desk and began to work on a client’s website. Suddenly the fire alarm rang and I showered curses on the creature who’d set it off — or the RA who’d decided we needed a fire drill.
As I opened my door and prepared to run out, I discovered the smoke was coming from yours truly’s microwave. I pulled out all the plugs from the wall and hurried off to own up to an RA. Loretta and Brandon were understanding and no, I don’t have to write a report.
Well, I retrieved the blackened mass from the microwave and dumped it in the trash can, deciding to do away with the rest of the pizza, but come on — we’re talking about wasting $6.
I decided to bake some more, but in two minute increments. I got the pizza well cooked, and it sure went down well.