I started a book last year — or deceived myself that I was starting one. It’s called The Farce and the plot’s a Niger Delta conspiracy in Nigeria.
I’m taking two unusual stances in it — writing in the first person as a young liberal muslim lady in Nigeria. I’m not female — and neither am I a muslim. As usual I do a lot of research before I write.
It isn’t coming along the way I want it to. I had to revamp a website throughout most of today, but I revisited the story yesterday and added a prologue which I shared with the MSU Scribblers’ Society. I’m going to start working on the book tomorrow, hopefully.
The first half of The Farce will be published online but I’ll keep the rest for my perusal — and hopefully for whichever publisher catches my fancy.
There’s nothing else to do with my time — Jodi Ocheltree, the Coordinator for Campus Life here at Mountain State, needed to see my schedule before allowing me to work during the interval between the spring and summer semesters. When I got there, I discovered she was on vacation, which is crazy at best.
She’s one damned un-approachable lady — I mean it :mad:.