Posts filed under “Journal”


Yesterday was a good day for me. My essay got lauded in Prof. Teets’ class as the best. I’d best not boast since I know it’s because I’ve been writing since I was eight – at one time I wanted to be an author but ridicule from my family who didn’t believe I knew what […]


I just walked today out of Astronomy class wondering what I’m going to do about the observations we’re supposed to do. I’ve got poor eyesight — I have short-sight and astigmatism — but I hate wearing my glasses — besides they’re missing. So how the heck am I going to stare at the sky with […]


I’m currently having a mild attack of writer’s block so I’ve figured out a way to use my test version of AuthWare – lecture notes. That’s right. I’m now putting all my lecture notes for the courses I’m taking this term on the web. I hope to keep them up-to-date – I really do. because […]